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Coming from Oceanic? Don't worry, we'll help you move to Dreamcord!

Specifying your token

On Oceanic, you might've specified your bot token like this:

const client = new Client({ auth: "Bot <your bot's token>" });

But on Dreamcord, you specify your bot token in the connect function, like this:

client.connect("<your bot's token>");

This is similar to how discord.js does it.

Specifying intents

On Oceanic, you might've specified intents like this:

const client = new Client({
auth: "Bot <your bot's token>",
gateway: {
intents: ["GUILDS", "GUILD_MESSAGES"],

But on Dreamcord, you specify intents directly in the options instead of in the gateway property, and by using PascalCase instead of SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, like this:

const client = new Client({
intents: ["Guilds", "GuildMessages"],

Or through the Intents enum, like this:

// Import the `Intents` enum from dreamcord
import { Intents } from "dreamcord";

const client = new Client({
intents: [Intents.Guilds, Intents.GuildMessages],

Or maybe even a mix of both!

// Import the `Intents` enum from dreamcord
import { Intents } from "dreamcord";

const client = new Client({
intents: ["Guilds", Intents.GuildMessages],

This is similar to how discord.js does it.